
MC-3020 is a modular software architecture characterized by a distinct effort to maximize component independence. The coupling between the model compiler components has been minimized while maximizing component cohesion. A model of the architecture drives the implementation of the generation components.

To a great extent components can be modified independently. Additional components can be added. This makes MC-3020 ideal for extension and modification. In a limited fashion, individual architecture components can be ``unplugged'' and new or modified components ``plugged in'' to replace them. For example, the strategy for collecting instances can be changed by modifying or replacing only the localized component. Names and coding style rules are concentrated into a single component allowing architects to dial in a preferred naming convention and generation style.


Each class is translated into an ANSI C structure. Instances are maintained in collections of instances of classes (class extents). Space for class instances is pre-allocated at bring-up time.


Creation occurs in constant time. Creation can occur synchronously with the create action language statement or asynchronously with a creation event. In synchronous creation, no action is executed. In asynchronous creation, a creation state is executed and at minimum initializes the instance identifier.


Instance deletion moves an class instance from the active extent and deactivates it onto a list of inactive (``inanimate'') class instances. If no action language ever performs deletion of a particular class, no deletion accessor method is generated.


Instance selection is optimized for speed when selecting based on the instance identifier. For unoptimized selections O(N) (linear) time is required. (MC-3020 provides O(N) for all ``blind selections'', select any from instances of action language commands.) Hooks are provided for architect replacement of certain signature selection search functions.


Attributes are elements of the translated structure. Most attributes are translated with no function interface layer. No call/return overhead is incurred for most attribute read and write operations. Code is generated to directly access attribute data. Speed is optimized.

In typical models, some attributes are never accessed. MC-3020 detects this situation and omits the implementation of attribute data elements that are never accessed. Unused data is optimized away.


Associations are optimized by storing a copy of the instance handle as extended attribute data. This optimization is implemented between sub/super-types as well.

As with data attribute elements, MC-3020 optimizes away unused referential attributes. Relate, unrelate (link and unlink) and association traversal operations are optimized for low overhead. These operations are performed directly on instance data when appropriate avoiding the generation and associated run time overhead of function calls.

State Models

The translated state models are optimized for speed. State transitions and action dispatches execute in constant time. The state event matrix is implemented as a two dimensional array. Rows represent states; columns are indexed by event to obtain the transition.


Actions are translated into functions associated by name and packaging with the class containing the state model containing the state action.


Adherence to Shlaer-Mellor event rules is assured in the generated code. Centralized event queues order events for the entire system.

Prioritized events can be marked by the user. 256 priority levels are provided.

Creation Events

Creation events are recognized and treated differently from non-creation events. The model compiler will create an instance of the class before the event is delivered. The event will cause a transition into the creation state and execution of the associated action.

Final States

Final state actions delete self after executing the specified processing.

Bridges and Operations

Functions (bridges) and operations are listed together, because MC-3020 treats them with a great deal of symmetry. Functions and operations translate into C function invocations. Any number of arguments can be passed.

MC-3020 generates bridge and operation frameworks. These frameworks provide the entire invocation interface. A comment is provided to guide the user in where to insert implementation code. These skeletons will compile with or without inserted user code.


These are the unclassified features.


Marking allows BridgePoint Verifier flavored initialization objects to be used for system initialization. In addition, several initialization objects can be defined in the model and only one marked to generate code.

Style Dials

Various stylistic and implementation conventions are centralized and documented to be easily controlled by the software architect. Generated file names, directory structure, coding conventions and even coding style can be dialed in by the user. (Look for fule files with the word ``name'' in the file name.)


MC-3020 is tooled to support a measured development process. As with style, metrics can be customized easily. MC-3020 gathers and reports many metrics including statistics quantifying classes, states models, state actions, event flavors, association and marking summary information.