To start the code generation process, switch from the xtUML
Modeling perspective to the C/C++ perspective or Resource perspective
using Window > Open Perspective. Next, right click on the
project and select "Build Project". This will cause code
generation (MC-3020 execution) to begin. All models in the
project will be translated. The generated source code will be
copied into the src
folder in the
It is also possible to begin code generation by pressing the "Build All" button on the Eclipse toolbar or by selecting one of "Build All", "Build Project" or "Clean..." from the Eclipse "Project" menu. Note that these alternative methods of starting the build will also start a build for all other open projects within the Eclipse workspace. Be sure this is what is intended when using these methods to begin the build process.
Output code generation logging will appear in the Eclipse console.
To stop code generation, press the square, red stop button in the console view during code generation.
Code compilation will occur after code is generated. See the section called “Compiling” below.