The primary reason for tasking in an xtUML modeled system involves the deployment of prioritization in the generated code.
An xtUML model may be inherently concurrent, but it is not inherently prioritized.
Simple prioritization of execution of a translated xtUML model can be achieved without multi-tasking. Events can be prioritized to modify the sequencing of state actions. MC-3020 provides event prioritization.
In a single tasking environment, a state action cannot be preempted. Therefore, a single task deployment environment is limited by the duration of the longest state action. Without preemption, a higher priority action may need to wait the entire duration of a state action of lower priority processing. Sometimes this is not an issue.
However, in many embedded applications the limits of a single task cannot be tolerated. We must map the xtUML application onto a multi-tasking/multi-threading architecture. By doing so, it is possible to map processing to various tasks based upon the required priorities. Higher priority action processing can be designed to preempt lower priority actions. We can take control away from the lower priority action and context switch into the higher priority action running in a higher priority task.
There are many possible strategies for mapping the components of an xtUML application to tasks. Event-based strategies and strategies based upon sequences of actions have been implemented successfully. MC-3020 has supported event based prioritization since version 2. As of MC-3020 version 4, prioritization using tasks/threads is supported. The mapping of xtUML artifacts to these tasks/threads is by class. Groups of classes are mapped to the tasks/threads running in the generated system.
xtUML model marking is used to identify which classes are translated to run in which tasks in the deployment target. Each class is marked identifying the task in which its generated code runs. The priority of the action processing of the class is used to determine an appropriate task. Higher priority classes get mapped to higher priority tasks. This separation allows for the processing of higher priority classes to preempt the processesing of lower priority classes.
Classes with state charts requiring low latency response to application events are mapped to high priority. Classes with little or no requirement for quick response are mapped to lower priority RTOS tasks.
The number of tasks required by the application is largely driven by prioritization. Concurrency plays a part in determining the number of tasks needed. The mapping to tasks must be accomplished with a clear understanding of both the xtUML application and of the deployment target hardware and RTOS.
A simple starting point is to have one task for each required level of priority. Map all classes having the same priority to the same task. For example map classes with tight coupling to time sensitive hardware to high priority task(s). Map classes that do non-critical "background" types of processing to a low priority task. Map everything else to a normal priority task.
In an xtUML application concurrency is assumed unless purposefully sequenced. Access to data that is shared between various classes/actions/functions must be synchronized. A simple, single-tasking deployment target may hide synchronization issues. A multi-tasking environment will not hide these modeling defects and indeed may aggravate them. If an xtUML application has not been properly synchronized, a truly preemptive multi-tasking kernel can uncover the modeling deficiencies.
Note that it is wise to map classes with strong processing and data interaction (coupling) into the same task. An improper mapping of classes to tasks can increase the overhead of processing by introducing undue task switching.