Thursday 12 September 2019

timely information for those attending the conference…
notice as of 3 September 2019
xtUML Days is next week! The conference promises to be everything hoped. The line-up of presentations is compelling. However, the most exciting aspect of the conference is the rich list of attendees from 15 different companies and universities represented from 4 continents with the strongest contingent coming from the UK.
This note contains critical information for your planning. All of it can be found on the information page (linked below) which is being kept updated.
If you have not paid your registration fee, please do so. Alert me to any difficulties. The PayPal portal accepts general credit cards.
Dinner on Wednesday 11 September begins at 7:00pm at Bill’s Cheltenham Restaurant (included in registration). The restaurant has an online ordering system. You will receive notification; please order ahead of time. Coordinate through me if you prefer to avoid the online portal.
The doors open to the conference 12 September at 8:00am at The Queens Hotel. The presentations will begin sharply at 9:00am. Plan to arrive by at least 8:30 to receive a name badge and folder of materials.
Speakers please provide PDF or PowerPoint to me ahead of time. If using your own PC, please arrive by 8:15 to test it with the projector.
Morning snacks, lunch and an afternoon break on conference day are catered at the venue. The lunch menu will include salad and 2 choices of main dish: salmon or vegetarian curry.
What is this?
xtUML Days 2019 UK is a modeling conference and represents the 6th edition of xtUML Days. (See Previous xtUML Days.) xtUML Days is the most dense gathering of Shlaer-Mellor modelers of the year. The xtUML Community meets to collaborate on Modeling, Method and Tooling.
The central topic of the conference is end-to-end modeling, execution, translation and deployment of models-as-code in mission critical settings employing rigorous methodology. The unifying theme is practical, actual, industrial application modeling within production installations. Attendees will network with engineers, scientists and educators who understand executable and translatable modeling as applied in active systems. In 2019, a special focus will be applied to extending and clarifying the Shlaer-Mellor Method in light of undocumented developments over the last several years.
The Shlaer-Mellor Method is applied in varying degrees of integrity in organizations around the world. At xtUML Days people from organizations focused on aeronautics, distributed network asset management, medical devices and heavy factory automation among others will discuss:
Method advances (specifically convergence of PT and K-C dialects)
Standardized Architecture environments such as ECOA, FACE, AUTOSAR and safety standards such as ISO 26262 and IEC 60601
Model of Communication
Constraint Modeling
Cryptographic Architecture
Tooling Refinements
The xtUML Community is keen to exchange expertise and learn from one another. xtUML Days provides a forum for developers to share best practices and influence the direction of the technology. xtUML Days hereby solicits compelling papers and presentations that exhibit method advances, tooling improvements and application experience in Shlaer-Mellor modeling and related Executable/Translatable modeling. This year attendees represent One Fact, UK Crown, BAE Systems, ROGO, Northrop Grumman, Aurora Consulting, Software Improvements, L3, Thales, Toyo Corporation, ICS, FrogOOA, Kyushu University, University of Southampton and Jönköping University.
Keynote Speaker
The xtUML Days 2019 UK keynote speaker is Takao Futagami. He is a chief consultant at Toyo Corporation. His research interests focus on embedded systems engineering. Futagami-sensei holds a degree in physics from Tsukuba University and is a professor at Tokai University.
Mr. Futagami was instrumental to the introduction of the Shlaer-Mellor Method, xtUML and associated tooling into Japan in the 1990s and continues to promote modeling in industry and education. Futagami has helped translate much of the Shlaer-Mellor literature into Japanese.
Shlaer-Mellor Material:
Executable UML: A Foundation for Model-Driven Architecture, Stephen Mellor and Marc Balcer
MDA Distilled, Stephen Mellor and Kendall Scott
How to Build Shlaer-Mellor Object Models, Leon Starr
Executable UML How to Build Class Models, Leon Starr
Programming and C:
Programing LEGO Mindstorms, Brian Bagnall
MISRA-C Coding Guideline 1997
MISRA-C Coding Guideline 2004
xtUML Days 2019 UK will be hosted at Queens Cheltenham.
Register by emailing the chair (cortland.starrett at Provide name and company information.
Registration is $500 (USD) for participants not under contract with the Community Engagement option. Payment can be made by check. Payment can be made with a credit card (through PayPal below). Other methods of payment can be arranged through the conference organizers. Discounts are offered to companies sending more than 3 participants; contact the chair.
Agenda of Presentations
Thursday 12 Sep (Conference Day)
08:00 room open, coffee, meet and greet
09:00 (sharp) Welcome, Introductions and Logistics (Cort) (0.25)
09:15 keynote Shlaer-Mellor in Japan (Toyo Corporation, Takao Futagami) (0.75)
10:00 xtUML in the Field: Robotic Soil Sampling (ROGO, Levi Starrett) (0.75)
10:45-11:15 <break>
11:15 Formal Modeling and UML-B (U of Southampton, Colin Snook) (0.75)
12:00 OOA '20 Overview and Method Debate (One Fact - Levi) (0.5)
12:30-13:30 lunch (catered)
13:30 Modeling Communications (Tower - Tristan) (0.75)
14:15 Waterloo AutoCoder Architecture (BAE - Ashley Field) (0.75)
14:45 Architectures - Panel Discussion (ColinC, Tristan, Ashley) (Rob) (0.5)
15:30-15:45 <break>
15:45 Modeling Education in Japan (Kyushu U - Kenji Hisazumi) (0.75)
16:30 Shlaer-Mellor Runtime w/ Cryptographic Extensions (One Fact - Cort) (0.75)
17:15 closing discussion
17:30 evacuate room and retire to adhoc recreation
Travel and Reception Dinner
Plan to arrive Wednesday evening before the conference to attend a reception dinner (included in the conference registration). Dinner will be hosted at Bill’s Cheltenham Restaurant (upstairs) at 7:00pm.
Cheltenham offers many hotels and Airbnb options. The xtUML Days organizers have arranged a conference rate at the Queens Hotel. E-mail or request to speak to Vanessa Hunter during business hours to arrange a room at the conference rate. Indicate your stay is for xtUML Days.
Call for Papers (Closed)
A program committee will review and select from submitted papers, posters and presentations. Selection is based upon perceived value to the xtUML Community.
Topics of interest to xtUML Days include but are not limited to the following:
real-world application modeling examples of installed systems
techniques of editing, verifying, translating, debugging and deploying models
methodology (Shlaer-Mellor) advances, extensions and refinements
static analysis of models and generated code
model-based model compilers
model integrity
action language dialects
target software architectures and translation onto those architectures
process integration of modeling and modeling tools
tooling supporting the Shlaer-Mellor Method
current state of the art editing, verification, translation, debugging
recent experience with tooling and BridgePoint in particular
techniques for educating modelers from young children to experienced professionals
tooling migration experience reports
Submit your paper, poster or presentation electronically as PDF via EasyChair. (If you are unable to submit through EasyChair, please contact the Conference Contact. Presentations are expected to be 35-45 minutes in duration including time for questions and discussion.
All submissions will be evaluated by the program committee. Selection is based upon significance, clarity and alignment with the call and value to the attendees of xtUML Days 2019 UK. Submissions that promote discussion, advance the Method and generate interaction among xtUML Community members are most desired. For a presentation to be accepted, at least one of the authors must register for xtUML Days, present the material and participate in the conference.
Important Dates
Abstract submission deadline: 15 August 2019
Author notification: 30 August 2019 (but likely shortly after abstract is submitted)
Submission deadline for presentation-ready version: 7 September 2019
xtUML Days conference: 12 September 2019
Conference Format
Day 1 of xtUML Days is an information dense and interactive conference lasting one full day. The host will welcome attendees at the starting hour. The host will make significant introductions. Key xtUML Community members will give short updates on their applications and experiences. Presentations with Q&A and discussions will fill the morning and afternoon sessions. An open moderated discussion time will end the day.
A detailed agenda will be available in August upon solidification of the speaking agenda.
A potential day 2 of xtUML Days is a planning day for active members of the xtUML Community. Planning Day is focused on short and long term requirements of the Method and road map for tooling. Day 2 attendance is by invitation only.
Conference Organization
Cortland Starrett, Conference Chair, One Fact, USA, cortland.starrett [at]
Dave Salt, Program Committee Member, UK Government, UK
Dave Skinner, Program Committee Member, BAE Systems, UK
Conference Contact
If you have questions about xtUML Days 2019 UK, contact the chair via email at: cortland.starrett [at]
Previous xtUML Days