Account Creation

Create an account on [](

(If you already have an account on, you may use it.)

  • Fork xtuml/models repository.

    • Click the button highlighted in red below: fork button

Logging In to GitHub

  • Replace "<your_username>" in the above URL with your username

  • Take a screenshot of this web page

Development Workspace

Prepare your development workspace.

  • Clone your fork of the models repositories to your local machine.

([video tutorial](

Importing Projects

Import Sumo projects from your local models repository.

  • Import the Sumo, Sumo Simulator, and MCLMShared projects from the models repository.

  • Take a screenshot of your BridgePoint application with the Sumo project imported.


Attach both screenshots to your issue in Redmine. In the Notes section, explain any difficulty you had completing the assignment. Change the Status to 'Feedback' and Assignee to your instructor.