18 October 2022 (Tuesday)
Previously known as: xtUML Days

What is this?
Shlaer-Mellor Days 2022 is a modeling conference and represents the 9th edition of Shlaer-Mellor Days (formerly known as xtUML Days). (See Previous xtUML Days.) Shlaer-Mellor Days is the most dense gathering of the year of Shlaer-Mellor modelers. The Shlaer-Mellor xtUML Community meets to collaborate on Modeling, Method and Tooling.
The central topic of the conference is end-to-end modeling, execution, translation and deployment of models-as-code in mission critical settings employing rigorous methodology. The unifying theme is practical, actual, industrial application modeling within production installations. Attendees will network with engineers, scientists and educators who understand executable and translatable modeling as applied in active systems.
In 2022, a special focus will be continued to extend and clarify the Shlaer-Mellor Method in light of undocumented developments over the last several years.
Also in focus:
Method advances (specifically convergence and rationalization of PT and K-C dialects)
Tooling Refinements
Incremental Adoption
Model Compilation
The Shlaer-Mellor Community is keen to exchange expertise and learn from one another. Shlaer-Mellor Days provides a forum for developers to share best practices and influence the direction of the technology. The conference committee hereby solicits compelling papers and presentations that exhibit method advances, tooling improvements and application experience in Shlaer-Mellor modeling and related Executable/Translatable modeling.
Key Shlaer-Mellor community members planning to participate include Mike Lee, Paul Francis, Colin Carter, Ian Wilkie, Leon Starr, Marc Balcer, Levi Starrett and others.

Shlaer-Mellor Days 2022 will be hosted on Zoom. This platform is familiar to most and supports interaction with people as well as access to presentations.
You can register to attend the conference by clicking here. The link will take you to PayPal to purchase your ticket. Pricing is set at $100. (You do not need a PayPay account to register; a credit or debit card is acceptable.)
Scholarships may be available to university students. Contact the conference chair.
Register by emailing the chair (cortland.starrett at onefact.net). Provide name and company/school information. Do this even if you pay through the electronic portal below.
Participants under contract with the One Fact Community Engagement support option attend at no cost.
Registration payment can be made with a credit card (through the PayPal portal below). Payment can be made by check. Other methods of payment can be arranged through the conference organizers. Discounts may be available to companies sending more than 3 participants; contact the chair.
Agenda of Presentations
Tuesday 18 October (Conference Day)
Agenda (DRAFT)
The columns in the table below are as follows:
The first column labeled T is the minute count for the session.
The second column labeled Clock is the target time of day (BST) for the session.
Column three names to Presenter.
The fourth column is a status flag.
The fifth column contains an abbreviation for the Type of session as defined in Session Types.
Column six gives a Title to the session if applicable.
T | Clock | Presenter | L | Intro | Title |
5 |
10:00 |
Cortland Starrett |
L |
Welcome and Opening |
5 |
10:05 |
Michael Lee |
L |
Shlaer-Mellor Day greeting and instructions |
25 |
10:10 |
Paul Francis |
R |
Colin |
10 |
10:35 |
L |
Mixing virtually - introductions |
15 |
10:45 |
Michael Lee |
R |
(none) |
5 |
11:00 |
L |
5-minute break |
20 |
11:05 |
John and Alasdar |
R |
Levi |
25 |
11:25 |
Levi Starrett |
R |
Paul |
5 |
11:50 |
L |
5-minute break |
20 |
11:55 |
Allan Kennedy |
R |
Cort |
20 |
12:15 |
L |
virtually connected LUNCH - introductions |
20 |
12:35 |
Cortland Starrett |
R |
(none) |
20 |
12:55 |
Nils Paulsson |
L |
Leon |
Distributed Bridging |
5 |
13:15 |
L |
5-minute break |
15 |
13:20 |
Clive Boughton |
R |
Mike |
20 |
13:35 |
Dave, Leon, all |
L |
Around-the-Table Status Updates [BAE - Dave Skinner] |
5 |
13:55 |
Cort and Mike |
L |
closing remarks |
30 |
14:00 |
Happy Hour |
L |
favorite beverage |
In-Person Gatherings
A dinner gathering is planned in the UK in Cheltenham on the evening of 20 October 2022. The venue Bill’s at 19:30. Dinner is included in the conference registration (including a significant other).
A dinner gathering is planned in Sweden in Linköping on the evening of 25 October 2022. The venue and time are TBD.
Call for Papers (closed)
A program committee will review and select from submitted papers, posters and presentations. Selection is based upon perceived value to the Shlaer-Mellor Community.
Topics of interest to Shlaer-Mellor Days include but are not limited to the following:
real-world application modeling examples of installed systems
techniques of editing, verifying, translating, debugging and deploying models
methodology (Shlaer-Mellor) advances, extensions and refinements
static analysis of models and generated code
model-based model compilers
model integrity
action language dialects
target software architectures and translation onto those architectures
process integration of modeling and modeling tools
tooling supporting the Shlaer-Mellor Method
current state of the art editing, verification, translation, debugging
recent experience with tooling and BridgePoint in particular
techniques for educating modelers from young children to experienced professionals
tooling migration experience reports
Presentations are expected to be 10-30 minutes in duration with additional time for questions and discussion.
All submissions will be evaluated by the program committee. Selection is based upon significance, clarity and alignment with the call and value to the attendees of Shlaer-Mellor Days 2022. Submissions that promote discussion, advance the Method and generate interaction among Shlaer-Mellor Community members are most desired. For a presentation to be accepted, at least one of the authors must register for Shlaer-Mellor Days, present the material and participate in the conference.
Important Dates
Title, session type and duration submission: 9 September 2022
Abstract submission deadline: 16 September 2022
Author notification: 30 September
Submission deadline for video recording of presentation: 11 October 2022
Completion of Production Editing (jointly by presenter and committee) of presentation-ready version: 16 October 2022
Shlaer-Mellor Days conference day: 18 October 2022
Conference Format
Day 1 of Shlaer-Mellor Days is an information dense and interactive conference lasting one day. The host will welcome attendees at the starting hour. The host will make significant introductions. Key Shlaer-Mellor Community members will give short updates on their applications and experiences. Presentations with Q&A and discussions will fill the morning and afternoon sessions. An open moderated discussion time will end the day.
A detailed agenda will be available in October upon solidification of the speaking agenda.
A day 2 of Shlaer-Mellor Days is a planning day for active stakeholders of the Shlaer-Mellor Community. Planning Day is focused on short and long term requirements of the Method and road map for tooling. Day 2 attendance is by invitation only and physically hosted in Cheltenham.
Newletter Updates Regarding Shlaer-Mellor Days 2022
Conference Organization
Michael Lee, Conference Co-Chair, Model Integration, USA, mike [at] modelint.com
Cortland Starrett, Conference Co-Chair, One Fact, USA, cortland.starrett [at] onefact.net
Conference Contact
If you have questions about Shlaer-Mellor Days 2022, contact either of the Co-Chairs via email at: cortland.starrett [at] onefact.net or mike [at] modelint.com.
Last Minute Instructions for Participants
Last Last Minute Instructions
This is your source of information. Watch this spot for updates even during the conference!