Build a Sumo Model robot

In this series of assignments you will learn how to create a model using BridgePoint. We will walk though the model creation process step-by-step. These instructions assume you have already installed BridgePoint and launched it.

  1. Create a new xtUML Project named Sumo_mine

    sumo hw 1.1
    sumo hw 1.2
    sumo hw 1.3
  2. Right-click on Sumo_mine in Model Explorer view and select New > Package. Name the package IO DTs

    sumo hw 1.4
  3. Create package RobotInterface under Sumo_mine

  4. Double-click package IO DTs to open it

  5. Create Enumeration Data Type Direction inside IO DTs package. Creation can be performed in any of three ways:

    1. Click the name of the element (here Enumeration Data Type) in the Palette to select the tool, then click on the canvas diagram to place the element.

    2. Right-click on the canvas diagram and use the context menu New > …​

    3. Right-click on the element in Model Explorer that you want to contain your new element and use the context menu New > …​

      sumo hw 1.5
  6. Right-click on the Direction enumeration and select New > Enumerator. Name the enumerator backward

    sumo hw 1.6
  7. Create Enumerator stop inside Direction

  8. Create Enumerator forward inside Direction

  9. Create Enumeration DataType Orientation inside IO DTs package

  10. Create Enumerator left inside Orientation

  11. Create Enumerator straight inside Orientation

  12. Create Enumerator right inside Orientation

  13. Double-click package RobotInterface in the Model Explorer view to open it

  14. Create interface platform inside RobotInterface

    sumo hw 1.7
  15. Use the right-click context menu to Add the following operations and signals to platform

    • operation: init

    • operation: lineDetected

    • operation: touchLeft

    • operation: touchRight

    • operation: untouchLeft

    • operation: untouchRight

    • signal: go

    • signal: turn

    • signal: setName

      sumo hw 1.8
  16. In Model Explorer view, expand Sumo_mine > RobotInterface > platform. All the interface messages are shown.

  17. Select init, then use the Properties view to modify the "Message Direction" property to be "From Provider". Repeat this process for each operation (do not change the signals).

    sumo hw 1.9
  18. Right-click on go and select New > Parameter. Name the parameter direction.

    sumo hw 1.10
  19. Expand the go interface message. The direction parameter is shown.

  20. Right-click on the direction parameter and select Set Type…​. Use the wizard to select the Direction type.

    sumo hw 1.11
    sumo hw 1.12
  21. Right-click on turn and select New > Parameter. Name the parameter orientation.

  22. Expand the turn interface message. The orientation parameter is shown.

  23. Right-click on the orientation parameter and select Set Type…​. Use the wizard to select the Orientation type.

  24. Right-click on setName and select New > Parameter. Name the parameter name.

  25. Expand the setName interface message. The name parameter is shown.

  26. Right-click on the name parameter and select Set Type…​. Use the wizard to select the string type.

Submitting Your Assignment

  • Take a screenshot of your BridgePoint with Model Explorer view expanded to show all the elements you have created.

  • Open the BridgePoint support issue in Redmine that you created in homework 1.1. Issue 10472 is just used here as an example.

  • Edit the issue, scroll down to the Edit field:

    • Change the Status to "Feedback"

    • Change the Assignee to "cstarrett"

    • Add a Note that this assignment is completed

    • Use the Choose Files button to attach your screenshot

  • Click the Submit button.

sumo hw 1.13
sumo hw 1.13a
sumo hw 1.13b
sumo hw 1.14

You are now ready to proceed to the next step