Build a Sumo Model
Create package sumo under component sumo
Double-click package sumo to open it on the canvas
Use the Palette > Classes > Class tool to create a class on the canvas. Name it navigate
Create class drive
Create class steering
Click the Association tool in the Palette and drag between navigate and steering on the canvas to draw an association
Click the Association tool in the Palette and drag between navigate and drive on the canvas to draw an association
Select the association R1 and then open the Properties view
Expand Association Participant End
Expand Class As Simple Participant for steering
Set the Text Phrase field to navigates
Expand Class As Simple Participant for navigate
Set the Text Phrase field to steers for
You can drag the phrases around on the canvas to reposition them and use the bendpoints on the association line to add turned segments to the line
Select the association R2 and then open the Properties view
Expand Association Participant End
Expand Class As Simple Participant for drive
Set the Text Phrase field to directs
Expand Class As Simple Participant for navigate
Set the Text Phrase field to motivates
Right-click on navigate and select New > Attribute. Name the attribute retreat_duration
Right-click on navigate and select New > Attribute. Name the attribute target_duration
Right-click on drive and select New > Attribute. Name the attribute speed
Right-click on drive and select New > Operation. Name the operation forward
Right-click on drive and select New > Operation. Name the operation reverse
Right-click on drive and select New > Operation. Name the operation stop
Submitting Your Assignment
Take a screenshot of your BridgePoint with Model Explorer view expanded to show all the elements you have just created.
Open the BridgePoint support issue you created in homework 1.1.
Edit the issue, scroll down to the Edit field:
Change the Status to "Feedback"
Change the Assignee to "cstarrett"
Add a Note that this assignment is completed
Use the Choose Files button to attach your screenshot
Click the Submit button
You are now ready to proceed to the next step