EV3 Robot Construction

(pre-requisite) Build the EV3 LEGO sumo robot following these instructions.

EV3RT Development

Set up your EV3RT development workspace following this guide. Run the sample program.

In "Step 0: Check your environment" you will need to follow the instructions to install Cygwin on Windows. In step 10 of those instructions, do not download gcc-arm version 2014q3. Instead navigate to the GCC ARM page and download the version containing string "2016q3". It is newer and better.
In "Step 2: Prepare the configurator", simply download the pre-built binaries rather than compiling from the sources.

Homework Submission

Attach your compiled sample program to your issue in Redmine. In the Notes section, explain any difficulty you had completing the assignment. Change the Status to 'Feedback' and Assignee to your instructor.